Permission to include the PSMA Boundaries in OSM is great news.

In regard to questions and comments from other mappers:
-  I find the current boundaries in NSW and SA to be useful i.e. include
   LGA and suburb/locality. However, electoral boundaries including
   local government wards seem very specialised and are probably better
   mapped elsewhere.-  I find LGA boundaries useful. Where a road suddenly 
changes name,
   changes surface, reversals of housenumbers occur etc., these
   phenomena often become understandable when you see where LGA
   boundaries lie.- I agree that it is inappropriate to map administrative 
boundaries on
  the same way as natural phenomena such as rivers. The boundaries are
  usually where the river flowed sometime in the past when an early
  survey was done. The boundaries do not change but the rivers often do.
  I think it best always to map administrative boundaries separate from
  natural features.- It would be possible to change suburbs from level 10 to 
level 9 if
  others find that useful but I think that sub-suburb localities such as
  neighbourhoods are not "administrative" nor (to my knowledge) are they
  defined by a government authority so I am unsure what level 10 could
  be used for, if suburbs are made level 9.
I am interested in administrative boundaries and willing to help where I
can - however I am just an enthusiast not a mapping professional - I
would not be confident to attempt any large scale import, if that is
envisaged. However, if individuals are each taking an area and gradually
adding new boundaries or checking existing boundaries against PSMA data,
I would be interested in contributing, once the process is agreed.
Thanks again to Andrew Harvey - this is a great enhancement to
data in OSM.

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018, at 4:23 PM, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science which manages
> have just completed the OSMF CC BY waiver allowing the
> PSMA Administrative Boundaries[1] to be used within OpenStreetMap[2].> 
> Quoting their email, "The Australian Government received great
> encouragement from PSMA Australia Limited to make the AB
> [Administrative Boundaries] data more accessible. Many thanks to OSM
> for your ongoing global open data efforts."> 
> Others more active in working with admin boundaries in OSM might be
> able to comment further on my analysis, but I've taken a look at the
> current OSM data from a planet extract[3], using osmium tool to
> extract administrative boundaries[4]:> 
>     osmium tags-filter australia-latest.osm.pbf
>     nwr/boundary=administrative -o osm-admin-boundaries.osm.pbf> 
> Then converted to GeoPackage to open in QGIS to compare to PSMA
> boundaries:> 
>     ogr2ogr -f GPKG osm-admin-boundaries.gpkg osm-admin-
>     boundaries.osm.pbf> 
> The admin_level values for Australia are defined as[5]:
> 3 n/a
> 4 State or Territory
> 5 n/a (but used in Victoria for regions[6])
> 6 Local Government Area (eg Shire/Council)
> 7 District or Region (e.g Perthshire, Fitzroy, Canning, Greater
> Sydney, Greater Melbourne, etc.)> 8 Postcode
> 9 Suburb and Locality
> 10 Suburb and Locality
> (not sure why the split across 9 and 10...? but it looks like no
> data for 9 and all suburb/localities are marked as 10, a seperate
> discussion but perhaps they should be 9 and smaller neighbourhoods
> be in 10?)> 
> PSMA Admin Boundaries provide (for Australia wide Shapefiles see [7]
> built from [8])> 
> Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be
> included in OSM)> State Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be 
> included in OSM)
> State Boundaries
> Local Government Areas
> Suburbs / Localities
> Town Points
> Wards
> admin_level 6 LGAs
> It looks like NSW, VIC have complete LGA coverage already aside a few
> minor differences, but NT is patchy and TAS, QLD, WA are almost non-
> existent (ACT doesn't really have LGAs it's all managed by the
> Territory). SA is missing a few LGAs which exist in the PSMA data.> 
> admin_level 7 is a mixed bag, but the PSMA data won't help here
> suburbs/localities
> NSW, VIC, SA all have pretty much complete data in OSM but there are a
> number of differences with the PSMA data which should warrent
> investigation and correction.> 
> ACT I think has good existing data (in the PSMA data in
> suburb/localities there are both levels, eg. Canberra Centre and
> Parkes), but the districts have a slightly different name format.> 
> All other states are empty in OSM.
> Keeping in mind that we have state data for admin boundaries in VIC
> (VicMap), NSW (Spatial Services), ACT (ACTmapi) and SA
> ( already.> 
> So there does appear to be a lot of data missing in OSM, which
> licensing wise we could bring in to OSM. So I guess the question is
> should we and how should we do that. Is anyone interested in working
> on this? If people are, I think it should go through the proper import
> process (discuss first, identify the process and then execute).> 
> [1]
> [2] 
>  [3]
> [4]
> [5] 
>  [6]
> [7]
> [8]
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