   Thank you for all the hard work and achieving this key element. I would
like to look at all level numbers to standardise these and to go forward.
Also happy to have a dabble of the import process and associated doco.

I would like to aski if it is possible to
1. add the ability to have, possibly at [*5*], the Aboriginal nations e.g.
2. swap  *6 Local Government Area (eg Shire/Council) *and *7 District or
Region (e.g Perthshire, Fitzroy, Canning, Greater Sydney, Greater
Melbourne, etc.) *as normally these areas are large than a singular LGA.


On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 at 16:25, Andrew Harvey <>

> The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science which manages
> have just completed the OSMF CC BY waiver allowing the PSMA
> Administrative Boundaries[1] to be used within OpenStreetMap[2].
> Quoting their email, "The Australian Government received great
> encouragement from PSMA Australia Limited to make the AB [Administrative
> Boundaries] data more accessible. Many thanks to OSM for your ongoing
> global open data efforts."
> Others more active in working with admin boundaries in OSM might be able
> to comment further on my analysis, but I've taken a look at the current OSM
> data from a planet extract[3], using osmium tool to extract administrative
> boundaries[4]:
>     osmium tags-filter australia-latest.osm.pbf
> nwr/boundary=administrative -o osm-admin-boundaries.osm.pbf
> Then converted to GeoPackage to open in QGIS to compare to PSMA boundaries:
>     ogr2ogr -f GPKG osm-admin-boundaries.gpkg osm-admin-boundaries.osm.pbf
> The admin_level values for Australia are defined as[5]:
> 3 n/a
> 4 State or Territory
> 5 n/a (but used in Victoria for regions[6])
> 6 Local Government Area (eg Shire/Council)
> 7 District or Region (e.g Perthshire, Fitzroy, Canning, Greater Sydney,
> Greater Melbourne, etc.)
> 8 Postcode
> 9 Suburb and Locality
> 10 Suburb and Locality
> (not sure why the split across 9 and 10...? but it looks like no data for
> 9 and all suburb/localities are marked as 10, a seperate discussion but
> perhaps they should be 9 and smaller neighbourhoods be in 10?)
> PSMA Admin Boundaries provide (for Australia wide Shapefiles see [7] built
> from [8])
> Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be included in OSM)
> State Electoral Boundaries (I don't think should be included in OSM)
> State Boundaries
> Local Government Areas
> Suburbs / Localities
> Town Points
> Wards
> admin_level 6 LGAs
> It looks like NSW, VIC have complete LGA coverage already aside a few
> minor differences, but NT is patchy and TAS, QLD, WA are almost
> non-existent (ACT doesn't really have LGAs it's all managed by the
> Territory). SA is missing a few LGAs which exist in the PSMA data.
> admin_level 7 is a mixed bag, but the PSMA data won't help here
> suburbs/localities
> NSW, VIC, SA all have pretty much complete data in OSM but there are a
> number of differences with the PSMA data which should warrent investigation
> and correction.
> ACT I think has good existing data (in the PSMA data in suburb/localities
> there are both levels, eg. Canberra Centre and Parkes), but the districts
> have a slightly different name format.
> All other states are empty in OSM.
> Keeping in mind that we have state data for admin boundaries in VIC
> (VicMap), NSW (Spatial Services), ACT (ACTmapi) and SA (
> already.
> So there does appear to be a lot of data missing in OSM, which licensing
> wise we could bring in to OSM. So I guess the question is should we and how
> should we do that. Is anyone interested in working on this? If people are,
> I think it should go through the proper import process (discuss first,
> identify the process and then execute).
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
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Ewen Hill
Internet Development Australia
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