I will be attending Melbourne however I have deep reservations about this
and that doesn't include the Waiver which is key to the entire project.

  The states have sent out a rapid impact assessment teams to all areas now
and have followed up with detailed analysis in most. We know what has been
damaged, destroyed and what was inhabited, what wasn't and what other
assets were damaged. We also know the structure type, bedroom count etc.
Any updates on Sunday are not going to help anyone in social services,
council, planning, asbestos removal. I honestly don't know what benefit
this will be and as Warin correctly stated, updated.

The removal of buildings and rubble including asbestos will take
significant time. What is there now, may not be there in 6-12 months and
the map will be out of date.

The other thing to remember is to respect those who have lost everything
don't need to see damaged/destroyed  on their property as they try and
rebuild it.

I do see benefit in mapping commercial premises and public assets that have
been affected.

I would like to see something a bit smarter than this. Something that can
assist people on the ground now would be highly beneficial. A "Hell yes, we
are open" web-site that *small *businesses can advertise would be great. A
whole lot of other things could be done well before adding a temporary
updates. These towns are going to really struggle in winter and people
drift off.


On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 18:28, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I finally managed to get in touch with one of the organisers, and raised
> the licensing/waiver issue. They've said they asked Planet Labs for the
> waiver, I've also independently reached out to the Planet Labs disasters
> contact with background on why OSM asks for the waiver and the waiver
> asking them if they can complete it if they would like OSM to be able to
> use their disaster imagery. Given the mapathon is on Sunday it's a
> nervous wait to see if they'll respond in time.
> I've presented the organiser with an alternative of using ARA's imagery
> for Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island (though I just went through and
> mapped out most of Kangaroo Island last night, and KI won't be enough to
> sustain a nation wide mapathon). I also mentioned the Maxar imagery, but
> they don't have much post-event imagery published yet, so can't easily be
> used to identify damaged buildings.
> The organiser was not fully across exactly how the HOT Tasking Manager
> worked, they thought edits won't go into OSM until after being validated,
> so they thought without the waiver they could just not upload to OSM, but I
> informed them that's not how the HOT Tasking Manager works, all edits are
> saved into OSM even before the Tasking Manager validation step.
> They said if they can't get the waiver they "plan to extract the changeset
> out of OSM post mapathons (this Sunday) at which stage we would expect the
> data not to be committed to OSM". That doesn't make any sense to me.
> Since I'm now part of the Data Working Group, I briefly discussed it with
> them and if we don't have the waiver or explicit permission to trace their
> imagery in OSM then we will have no choice but to revert edits / or temp
> block accounts. The LWG policy is clear that for the avoidance of doubt we
> need additional waiver / explicit permission when tracing CC BY, CC BY-SA
> or CC BY-NC imagery.
> On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 18:00, Sebastian S. <mapp...@consebt.de> wrote:
>> Hi Andrew, are they (the organisers) aware of the licensing
>> issues/requirements?
>> Are they following here? Please engage with the discussion :-)
>> On 6 February 2020 12:37:16 pm AEDT, Andrew Harvey <
>> andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I was corrected by someone off list, looks like they are planning on
>>> mapping within OSM https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/7893. Now I have to
>>> scrabble to validate Planet Labs has provided the necessary permission for
>>> their imagery to be traced into OSM.
>>> On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 12:12, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I sent an email to the contact email to ask for more information, but
>>>> by the looks of it they aren't uploading anything to OpenStreetMap, they
>>>> are creating their own datasets (which may or may not be released as open
>>>> data, they haven't stated yet). It's unclear how they are planning on
>>>> consuming OpenStreetMap though. I'm still keen to see what they've
>>>> identified as important or useful to map.
>>>> What they've stated is they'll be using Planet Labs imagery
>>>> https://www.planet.com/disaster/fires-in-australia-2019-11-06/.
>>>> 1) As far as I'm aware we don't have an imagery tracing waiver from
>>>> Planet Labs, it's worth reaching out to Planet Labs to ask for this waiver
>>>> for use in OpenStreetMap.
>>>> 2) Since access to the imagery is restricted "We provide limited access
>>>> to Explorer for up to 30 days to qualified disaster volunteer
>>>> organizations, humanitarian organizations, and other coordinating bodies."
>>>> it's unclear how we'd go about asking for access, and who gets access. But
>>>> for now at least, without (1) my view is we can't trace Planet Labs imagery
>>>> for use in OpenStreetMap.
>>>> On Thu, 6 Feb 2020 at 11:50, Stephen Backway <stev...@email.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi group,
>>>>> I just came across this Map-A-Thon by chance, apologies if it has been
>>>>> shared already and I missed it:
>>>>> https://sssi.org.au/fire-map-a-thon/about-map-a-thon
>>>>> Extract from the above page:
>>>>> *The SSSI National Bushfire Recovery Map-a-thon is being held on
>>>>> Sunday, 9th February, 2020 and registrations are now open!  To register
>>>>> visit: SSSI National Bushfire Recovery Map-a-thon
>>>>> <https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sssi-national-bushfire-recovery-map-a-thon-nat057-tickets-90744133145>
>>>>>  *
>>>>> *SSSI is thankful to the surveying and geospatial community for
>>>>> reaching out to assist with the bushfire recovery effort and for the
>>>>> continued offers of assistance from individuals and businesses from within
>>>>> Australia and globally.*
>>>>> From reading through the pages, they are going to be using
>>>>> OpenStreetMap in conjunction with government data and imagery, so not sure
>>>>> if they have any new datasets/imagery layers that we haven't already
>>>>> mentioned on the list...
>>>>> Stephen.
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Warm Regards

Ewen Hill
Internet Development Australia
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