On Sat, 8 Feb 2020 at 16:24, Ewen Hill <ewen.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sadly the Planet quality appears less than optimal.

You're not wrong!

> If I look at the town of Cobargo where there were buildings lost just
> north east of the Narira Creek Highway crossing, I can't tell.what has been
> destroyed, damaged or otherwise. :
> https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/7898?task=591

No, there's no way of telling if a building has been damaged - I'm been
mapping for a while & I couldn't even pick them as buildings, without
changing to a different set of imagery. Where I was just looking I couldn't
even tell if the area had actually been burnt over - it all looked like
normal dry grassland to me?

I think we really need to come up with a backup plan for this event and
> quietly push SSSI towards that.

Maybe swap across to LPI imagery & just map all the buildings & other POI,
without worrying about damage? That would be a huge bonus as far as OSM is
concerned, but wouldn't actually do anything at all for the disaster
recovery side of things?

> We don't want people's first taste of OSM to be a poor one.

No, & I agree with you that it won't be a good, first look :-(


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