Thank you for a representative data sample, Greg!  I find a couple / few things 
things interesting that shake out so far:  

> I will leave the nuances of tagging National parks and protected areas to 
> those much more experienced than me

Most interesting, maybe even revealing:  we shouldn’t need to be “more 
experienced” to tag all of our parks.  Right now, in some countries, doing that 
for a lot of parks is, um, less than clear as it might be in those not speaking 
British, Australian or New Zealand dialects of English w.r.t. “park.”  Namely, 
US English, possibly others.  That does rise up as a bump on the fabric that 
lots of us (certainly in the USA) can feel as a bump.  Smoothing out these 
bumps is a desirable goal, but elusive sometimes.  Nuances exist on ‘park' in 
the real world, sure, can we capture these with tagging that isn’t “nuanced,” 
but crystal-clear?  I think so, it’s harder in some places, this seems at least 
partly due to what you mention as a “well-understood (connection) between 
‘park’ and ‘public land.’”  We might agree that connection is frequent, and is 
understood to encompass lots of kinds of (public) land, but well-understood 
w.r.t. how to tag it in OSM seems it could use a bit of “improved or improving 
syntax construction," at least in some parts of the world (USA).  We’ll get 

> It does seem that leisure=nature_reserve is common.

This tag is another wrinkle (at least) if not bump in the fabric.  In the US, 
we find this tagging (whether on a named "park" or more often on a named 
“preserve” or “reserve”) is sometimes correct, sometimes not.  It is indicative 
some sharper focus could help achieve more accurate and harmonious tagging 
worldwide.  These can be difficult topics when cultural and linguistic 
differences are sometimes less visible (but still there) and “calling them out” 
yields what looks like a large can of worms.  We’re finding “pay attention to 
one worm at a time” helps, to the extent they can be isolated and wrangled.

> So it seems there is reasonably consistency across the english speaking world 
> with regards to ‘Parks'

Yet, there can be a propensity to “punt” on saying on those “in the middle” 
Parks (not leisure=park, not national park, nature_reserve maybe…) and that’s 
the range where more-precise, more-correct tagging can be elusive.

This is quite educational, thank you again for your valuable “down under” 

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