21, at 2:05 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> On this, I'm not sure if this may be an OSMAND problem, or an issue with the 
> way the info has been loaded in OSM, but here's something that I noticed a 
> few weeks ago, that may apply here?
> Had to go visit a bloke for the first time, & his address is Watson Road, 
> Armstrong Creek:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=Watson%20Road%2C%20Armstrong%20Creek#map=17/-27.23885/152.81791
> As you can see, Nominatim shows "Watson Road, Armstrong Creek, Kobble Creek, 
> Moreton Bay Regional Council", but when you look at Watson Road, all it says 
> is highway=tertiary + name=Watson Road, with no suburb / city, State or 
> postcode listed.

Nominatim shows at 
 it's matching both admin boundaries, which is fair because the road separates 
the two boundaries. So addresses on one side of the street will be in one 
locality, and addresses on the other side, the other locality. Because you're 
just searching for the road and not a street number it returns both localities.

> In this area, Watson Road is the boundary between Armstrong Creek & Kobble 
> Creek "localities"
> AC: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/11675264#map=13/-27.2282/152.7932
> KC: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/11675296#map=13/-27.2679/152.8018
> KC has also been created as a "village" 
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/310513460, although there is no village as 
> such, it's just an area name.
> When I search via OSMAND though, it will find Watson Road, Kobble Creek, but 
> won't find Watson Road, Armstrong Creek? It will also find Kobble as a 
> suburb, & Kobbe Creek as a village, but won't find Armstrong Creek?
> So, is this a peculiarity of the way the PSMA ADmn Boundaries have been 
> created, or something in OSMAND?

Maybe OSMAnd, I tried to search in the app but it was finding other results 
closer to me and not the ones you've listed here. If the address number was in 
OSM then it would probably start working as expected.

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