On Thu, 27 May 2021, at 8:39 PM, Andrew Davidson wrote:
> On 25/5/21 4:41 pm, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> > I'd make a polite argument there is still value in at least the suburb, 
> > possibly postcode being still provided.  When exporting data via 
> > overpass as CSV; it's not currently easy or obvious to appropriately 
> > bring in the parent attributes; even if it is for a Real Human looking 
> > at the map.
> > There's a fair number of use cases for "data in a spreadsheet 
> > friendly format" I feel.
> You don't need to add addr:suburb to get that, all you need is a little 
> Python.

I think the point Daniel is making is that's too much for unsophisticated data 
consumers, and if we can do some processing on the OSM side to make it easier 
then we should.

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