On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 at 17:26, Phil Wyatt <p...@wyatt-family.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I agree that a good discussion is useful but at the same time the OSM
> community needs to understand what a hassle it can be to have these tracks
> in OSM and having no, or little, control on how any other app/web interface
> may show them.
> I actually favour deletion as well but understand that is not the 'OSM way
> of doing things'. A full discussion may help the agency, and OSM
> contributors understand the issues on both sides.
> I also think it would be useful for others to join in the US trails group
> so
> that a more international perspective can be applied to this issue. The
> situation can be very different across countries (especially legally).

Inspired by the US trails group work, I thought maybe we can attempt
something localised for Australia.

I started sketching something out at
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australia/Walking_Tracks. If anyone
thinks this is a good idea, please feel free to contribute to that page.
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