Thanks for putting that effort in, Andrew. I've played devil's advocate and
added the reasons "why not" to your page: really it all concerns bad or
rather, incomplete, rendering choices.

This is actually on my mind right now, as this Saturday passed I rode from
Forster to Newcastle via the paths and roads through Myall Lakes NP. I was
horrendously confused at one stage, when all the maps (yes, both GMaps and
OSM both) had Mungo Brush Rd in the wrong location. It was relocated in
2019 (!) as per
. See my changeset for
the update.

There were also some trails earlier in my ride that were closed, and in the
interest of not-self-incriminating I would certainly not admit to
attempting to traverse them or getting somewhat lost and trekking through
swamp in the progress, definitely not. But my subsequent OSM updates ran up
against how to tag them as closed temporarily, and my searching led me to
put these tags on a certain walking path: Please
advise if I'm going about that the right way with the conditional:foot and
:bicycles tag.

I'm also contemplating attempting this (ahem) leisurely walk [], after seeing it tagged for a
short length of trail in OSM at []... I'm guessing adding it is a
no-go until I actually walk it myself, given the last documentation of it
dates to 2000 and I will have to go to the local library to get ahold of
the book mentioned.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 at 22:59, Andrew Harvey <>

> On Mon, 24 Jan 2022 at 17:26, Phil Wyatt <> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I agree that a good discussion is useful but at the same time the OSM
>> community needs to understand what a hassle it can be to have these tracks
>> in OSM and having no, or little, control on how any other app/web
>> interface
>> may show them.
>> I actually favour deletion as well but understand that is not the 'OSM way
>> of doing things'. A full discussion may help the agency, and OSM
>> contributors understand the issues on both sides.
>> I also think it would be useful for others to join in the US trails group
>> so
>> that a more international perspective can be applied to this issue. The
>> situation can be very different across countries (especially legally).
> Inspired by the US trails group work, I thought maybe we can attempt
> something localised for Australia.
> I started sketching something out at
> If anyone
> thinks this is a good idea, please feel free to contribute to that page.
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