I agree that the situation is not ideal. I'd love to see the system be improved with something like the "stale" or "need info" features of bug reporting systems, which could close a note automatically if it is in a state of "need info" for 6 months without an answer.


On 2/3/22 18:09, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 at 15:09, Stéphane Guillou via Talk-au <talk-au@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

    I agree one should be cautious with closing notes

But where do we draw the line?

 When you look at the oldest remaining notes, there are a couple there from 6 years ago, that were raised by an experienced, fairly active mapper.

Somebody else asked a question 5 months ago, after more info, but no response, despite the OP's last edit being 4 months ago, so they're apparently still around & active?

Just about everything earlier than 2019 (~30) has had questions asked, but again, how long do we leave it before deciding, Nup, nobody is going to answer, so just close it?



Stéphane Guillou

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