
I see what you are are saying but it does not appear that you are reading the 
law as it is written as people under the age of 13 are an exception to the 

The law essentially says you cannot ride on a footpath etc, expect if you are 
under the age of 13. 
Noting that this law of exclusion applies to the majority of the population and 
only a small minority are granted permissions under a specific exemption. 

On that basis as the majority are excluded from using it any default tagging 
should follow bicycle=no



> On 8 Oct 2022, at 12:54 pm, Ian Steer <ianst...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I see that cyclists up to the age of 13 are permitted on footpaths in
> Victoria, so technically, "bicycle=yes" is true, but to be pedantic, some
> age restriction should be added.  I would have thought the default position
> should be that bicycles are permitted.
> My guess is that the other user does not ride a bike and does not like
> bicycles sharing his/her path, and is on a bit of a crusade and no reasoning
> or logic will be adequate to stop their mapping activities.
> Ian
>> Hi
>> I have been monitoring the edits by a user who still "changes shared paths
> to
>> footpaths as no signs present to indicated bikes are permitted" in
> Victoria
>> Australia.
>> Most of these changes are small ways where there are unlikely to be
> serious
>> consequences, its not worth the petrol (or electricity in this case for my
>> Nissan Leaf) to go out and inspect the way and I have said nothing.
>> I have commented on way 1008258040 in Changeset: 126886850 where
>> bicycle=yes by the previous editor has been removed because there were
>> "no signs present to indicated bikes are permitted"
>> There is good street level imagery. It is not a footpath in the sidewalk
> sense.
>> It looks OK for bicycles to me. Sorry to bother but I request a clear
>> community consensus again on whether "no signs present to indicated bikes
>> are permitted" is of itself  sufficient evidence that bicycles are
> disallowed.
>> Sorry to bother you all
>> Tony
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