It is both frustrating and disappointing to see that you continue to argue your 
point of view that is incorrect. 
It is clear that a local council who follows the Victorian road laws has 
published the permissions of ways within their jurisdiction yet you still try 
to argue that ways are incorrectly tagged. 

To the point I made in the previous thread, cycling is not permitted on any way 
unless specifically signed. This is exemplified in change set 127561873 where 
the permissions that Frankston council have established in line with our road 

Regardless of copyright, I have personally verified all roads in the Seaford 
wetlands via both foot and bike and tagged ways according to what is on the 
ground and which is back to back with Frankston council (as per Victorian law) 
yet you still cannot provide any evidence that my tagging is incorrect. 

> On 23 Oct 2022, at 10:06 am, wrote:
> Hi Sebastian
> You sent me private message, 15/10/22 20:52:39 EST
> In it you agreed that consensus had been achieved even though you thought it 
> was wrong.
> I was disappointed to then see further tagging changes which in my opinion go 
> against community consensus.
> Changeset: 127828054
> 172362952, v4 cycleway changed to footway
> 170529137, v5 cycleway changed to footway
> Changeset: 127827849
> 995759320, v2 cycleway changed to footway
> 995753641, v3 cycleway changed to footway
> Changeset: 127561873
> 15 Oct 9:28am (UTC?), I think this is after your mail to me.
> It lists source: 
> This source may not be allowed because of copyright
> 1024370763, v2 bicycle=yes, foot=yes changed to bicycle=no foot=no
> a highway=footway with foot=no makes little sense, if you are correct then 
> its just an informal path with access=no?
> 827522368, v7 bicycle=yes changed to bicycle=no
> Seaford Wetlands Trail (770944899) bicycle =yes changed to bicycle=no
> Maybe I have misunderstood but it seems to me that you continue to act 
> against community consensus though you agree that consensus had been 
> achieved. Your thoughts please.
> Thanks
> Tony

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