On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 3:50 PM David Bannon <dban...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> I'd wonder if we are building an impossible to manage rule set. For example, 
> many small town doctor's clinic only have a doctor there one or two days a 
> week. So, a full time doctor is worth 40 points, so, a one day a week one is 
> 8 points ? Many, many "towns" have a community hall (or even a Mechanic's 
> Institute) but very many of them have fallen into such disrepair its unsafe 
> to go in. And a Hospital, thats one with an Emergency

Yeap, exactly. That's why I was suggesting only four classes of
services and only their presence or not. That way you can check them
with an Overpass query.

If it's all too hard, then the obvious solution is to just make the
definition of a village a settlement with a population greater than
200 and less than 1000.

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