On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, Mark Van den Borre wrote:

> 2009/9/1 eMerzh <merz...@gmail.com>:
>> I think also that an asbl / vzw is a good thing for OSM in belgium.
> Some thoughts:
> * Please define the goals of the organisation _very_ well.
The goals are currently somehow stable. It is not wise to make all the 
goals very explicit, since that would happer future unknown goals. We the 
association feels like adding them, the bylaws (statuten) need to be 
amended, which needs to be ratified by the 'algemene leden vergadering', 
plus even more important: it cost another wad of money to get it 
officially published in 'het staatsblad' (think of about EUR 100,-)

to vague goals on the other hand will possibly result in the application 
for the association to be rejected.

Currently I think we are ok with the current set of goals, but that's my 
opinion and rather limited in weight since I wrote up the goals myself :) 
Please ammend or expand on the current goals, but remember not to explict. 
And that means anybody on this list or others not on this list but still 

> * A dry run without the formal structure, but pretending to have them
> may prove _very_ interesting when it comes to feasibility.

can you explain what you mean with a dry-run? by running a mapping party 
now and then, mailing on this talk-list, hanging out in IRC channel 
#osm-be , might already make us a 'feitelijke vereniging'.

> I am not (yet) convinced of the added value of a formal non-profit.

It will make it easier for us to reach out for funding, press contacts and 
legal stability when it comes to licensing stuff. An informal non-profit 
(feitelijke vereniging, hope you mean that) makes the members themselves 
liable for the things they try to reach (spending money, getting funds 
as examples of concrete two-risks).

Thanks for you input,

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