On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 10:11:15 +0100, Luc Van den Troost wrote
> Hi Lennard and the others.


> Historical items then might be mapped in a different way that is usefull
> for, for instance, a separate rendering or different layer. That 
> would not only be the case for historical railway tracks, but as 
> well for historical city walls, canals, gates, old river quai and 
> docks, ... that all have influenced city development. But that is 
> another discussion.
> Another 'historical' point is that it is a pitty that OSM doesn't offer
> a kind of 'time-machine'. On one side it would be nice to see the growth
> of OSM that way, on the other side the map we are currently making will
> be historical one day. If - for instance - Doel would be broken down 
> for harbour expansion, going back in time then would show how it was 
> before, same would be if the 'hedwigepolder' on the other side of 
> the border would be flooded again. But again, that is just a side 
> remark and another discussion.

It seems very interesting ! Even at our time scale, the landscape is quickly
Leo Vanhecke (Plantentuin, Meise <l...@br.fgov.be> ) published a nice set of
twin photographies, the first on taken around 1900, the second shot by Leo
himself around 1980, at the same place and orientation. 
It is amazing to see the changes !
Have a nice day,


Dr Alain EMPAIN, Bioinformatics, Bryology
  National Botanic Garden of Belgium            alain.emp...@br.fgov.be
  University of Liège, GIGA +1, Alma-in-silico  alain.emp...@ulg.ac.be 
  Rue des Martyrs, 11 B-4550 Nandrin
Mobile: +32 497 701764  HOME:+32 85 512341   ULG: +32 4 3664157

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