Ivo De Broeck wrote:
> With 2 relations you can put the stops at the right relation. If you work
> with one relation you have a way in both directions, a stop 'forward' and a
> stop 'backward' .

You could fill in the roles of those nodes in the relation of course. I've 
even seen the bus stop nodes being numbered, so you'd get something like 
"stop_15" as a role. But that's hard to maintain (think about adding an extra 
bus stop between stop 1 and 2, then you can renumber them all). Other option 
is to have roles saying something like "to_terminus_2".

But if you assume that bus stop nodes are always at the right side of the 
road, that's more than enough information to know in which direction the bus 
has to go to stop there.


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