I'm doing a few "bingifications":

* did part of Hoogstraten http://osm.org/go/0Esm6kMc--
* filled the 3dshapes gap at Poppel http://osm.org/go/0EuGY2x1--
* just went south to Loenhout, Sint-Lenaarts to Oostmalle. The original idea 
was creating some sort of a grid, but not sure if I'm going to pursue that 
thought. But basically I'm just randomly following the interesting direction 
:-) http://osm.org/go/0EsiMU2--

* also worked on the coasts and ports of Zeebrugge, Ostend, Blankenberge, and 
worked on the Kusttram (experimentally mapping it with one way = one rail 
track, so you get two lines) which includes improving the N34 
* railways near Zeebrugge (also one track = one way)
* and I've been several improving regional roads (gewestwegen)
* also added the odd power line

Peter Leemans wrote:
> Got a question with respect to the landuse.
> I see different ways of connecting different neighbouring land-uses.
> Is it recommended to reuse the same points, or as I did, just draw the
> borders very close to each other.

I take 3dshapes as example, which means reusing the common nodes.


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