Hi Chris

> Regarding the attribution, it might be worthwhile to inform them that OSM is
> doing this for a number of other sources via the "source" tag.
good point.

> Might be also interesting to inform them of other cities using "opendata"
> licenses (There a number of them in France).

I planned to let them know about that. I am following closely what is
done around Brest but also in Rennes and Paris.

> They will probably ask for a legal representative of OSMF.

indeed. THis was the main, unsolvable point when I contacted them 4
years ago. They wanted a legal representative of OSMF in Belgium ! In
the UK was not good !

> See
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/Local_Chapters. Someone is
> (was?) working on a local chapter for Belgium, apparently?

who ?

> Thinking about it, Belgium has the notion of "Association de fait"
> (http://www.belgium.be/fr/economie/entreprise/creation/types_de_societe/associations/).
> It has no jurisdictional existence like an ASBL has, but, assuming OSMF
> endorsement, it might be a sufficient (and lightweight) way to act as a
> representative of the OSMF, which is a legal entity...

very good point.

> If I can do something to help (I' a brusseleer, too), don't hesitate.

thanks. I shall not hesitate.

It could be god to also build up the proposal, for the adminsitration
as well as for politicians that we could meet too as they could be
asked to support / decide.

For example :

1/ where OSM could bring a more precise local map (eg. with maposmatic) ?
2/ where the OSM process of citizen contributions (that URBIS tries to
have) could be helpful for the local authorities too ?

Best regards,

Nicolas Pettiaux, dr. sc

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