The question of the Belgian Local Chapter was discussed a couple of month
ago, but the idea was abandoned because there was no need for that.

If someone want to relaunch the idea, I am quite volunteer to associate.

We discussed about that after the informal meeting in Liege on the 13th May
(drinking a beer /after/ the meeting). Ivo was there: maybe he will give his
point of view on the subject. (if I have more time monday, i can also give
mine... But i am on holiday until monday)


2011/6/1 Chris Browet <>

>> > See
>> > Someone
>> is
>> > (was?) working on a local chapter for Belgium, apparently?
>> who ?
> Se below, in the list of local chapters. Ivo van den Maagdenberg is the
> name.
>> It could be god to also build up the proposal, for the adminsitration
>> as well as for politicians that we could meet too as they could be
>> asked to support / decide.
>> For example :
>> 1/ where OSM could bring a more precise local map (eg. with maposmatic) ?
>> 2/ where the OSM process of citizen contributions (that URBIS tries to
>> have) could be helpful for the local authorities too ?
>> Thinking aloud, but what about the argument that a filled open OSM
> database might spare some of Brussels (scarce) money?
> They could use existing soft (and even infrastructure) rather than managing
> their own...
> - Chris -
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