Normally, you should map the streets, not the signs. So that would mean you
put the tag maxspeed=xx on the parts of the ways where you are allowed to
drive xx km/h. If a way is too long, you need to split it.

For other vehicles, you can use a tag like maxspeed:vehicle=xx. As example:
maxpeed:hgv=70 notes that heavy vehicles are only allowed to drive 70 km/h.

I don't know what wiki page you read that suggests to tag the signs instead
of the roads.


2011/11/10 Marc Gemis <>

> I've read the wikipage on maxspeed tagging, but I have the following
> questions:
> - How does one tag the end of a zone, I cannot find the number of that
> sign ? Start zone should be tagged with BE:F4a
> - How do you tag different speeds for 'cars' and e.g. +5t ?
> - In case I create individual nodes for the the traffic sign (as requested
> on the wiki page), how do I indicate the direction for which the sign is
> meant ?
> m
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