FWIW I also see value in adding a backreference to CRAB in the OSM data. It
will make it a lot easier to do automated follow up and comparison in the
long run.

I also see value in the slow but steady way of having contributors
integrate the data. It's slower by an order of magnitude, but indeed
community is more important than content in the long run.


2013/10/22 Kurt Roeckx <k...@roeckx.be>

> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 05:36:28AM +0200, Marc Gemis wrote:
> > So you are going to write an algorithm that matching addresses in OSM
> with
> > addresses in Crab in order to add an id. Right now there are already
> > addresses in OSM that are not in Crab. The same might happen next year.
> > People might have added POIs with addresses. So you will always need an
> > address based matching algorithm. So there is no reason to add the Crab
> id
> > in OSM.
> I don't follow your reasoning here.  Addresses in OSM but not CRAB
> shouldn't be a problem.  I also don't understand your comment
> about POIs with an address.
> It's not because you can match a lot of the addresses based on
> al algorithm that you can find all of them.  This *will* require
> people to manually fix things and manually add the relation
> between the 2.
> > What do you mean by "Fix our data" ? Is Crab suddenly the holy grail ?
> I didn't say anything like that.  I just say that our data *does*
> contain errors.  I'm also pretty sure theirs contain errors.  If
> we look at the differences we need to find out which one is correct,
> and then try to get the correct information in both.
> > Their DB contains mistakes as well. I'm against a full automatic import.
> > I'm still in favor of the workflow that Ben proposes. Using a website to
> > download a street. Manually merging with existing data, drawing
> buildings,
> > merging or splitting buildings were needed. Who wrote a few days back
> that
> > house nodes without buildings are not so good (I'm not saying it was
> you) ?
> > An automatic import cannot prevent that.
> I did say that I would prefer the address information is added to
> building, but that just having a housenumber and no building is
> better then nothing.
> I also don't see myself drawing all the buildings when I'm going
> to import the address information because it will take a lot more
> time.  But I will at some point draw them.  You might have
> different priorities than I.
> If I were to write an import tool, I would be careful on when to
> import something, and when in doubt don't import the address.  I
> already have several rule in my head that could be useful.  But it
> looks to me like nobody wants me to do this, so I'm not going to
> put any effort in this.
> > It would be nice though to have something like Jo did for the busstops.
> > Have a table for mismatches between the OSM data and the imported data.
> > Such a list could be generated every year to see which data should be
> added
> > or updated
> AGIV delivers updated files on daily basis.  There should not be a
> problem to actually also compare them on daily basis, and update
> the list of nodes that still need to be imported on daily basis.
> But I don't see myself putting time in this if there is no
> relation between the 2 databases.
> Kurt
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