On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 09:40:07PM +0200, Ben Abelshausen wrote:
> I think we can use CRAB as a source but we will never be able to update
> automatically but even without an ID we should be able to detect changes
> and if not then most likely there will be some error in OSM or CRAB (if
> streetnames do not match or something).
> I even think there is no 'one-id-per-address' in the CRAB datamodel. I will
> ask someone on Wednesday when I will be back at AGIV but I think there are
> only linked buildings/percelen and those tend to change too.

They actually have pretty good documentation, and really thought
about their data model.  They have a total of 20 tables with
foreign keys between them.

Their is a many-to-many relationship between addresses and points
on the map.  That is a building can have multiple addresses, and
1 address can have multiple buildings.  An address can also have
subaddresses.  And each table has an ID in it.

Having the IDs in osm would make it a lot easier to compare the
databases.  Having 2 databases you can compare is very handy to
check for mistakes.

You can of course compare their old database against a newer and
try to import that, but I have a feeling that that is going to
give you more manual work in the long end.  I think it's important
to try automate things.

I really see no good reason not to add those IDs at this point.
I don't see the harm in them.  I can only see them being useful.


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