On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be> wrote:

>  On 2013-10-23 10:28, Marc Gemis wrote:
> You could also make a csv file with the diffs and open that with the
> OpenData plugin in JOSM. (see my presentation at ESI  on import VMM
> monitoring stations )
> But of course that requires people to install this plugin.
> The great thing about having to go dig deep in the data itself is that it
> will be fairly easy to structure this the way JOSM does it.  Since you
> already have to deal with different formats, why spend time on an extra one
> ?   All you need to do is save 'the result' set locally and start looking
> at the format. It would be a huge feature.  I'm not against csv's but their
> use is limited, xml's (not my favorite!) however gives a structure to the
> data and makes the data also more human readable.  Next to being an
> established standard.
You know that after importing the csv file, you have an osm layer that you
can save and work with. So if you happen to have a tool that exports the
new/update records in csv format (any decent DB-tool can generate files in
that format),  you do not have to write a tool that generates OSM-xml.
So when you can determine the new/updated records in the Crab DB (I do not
know in which format the updates from Crab are provided) with a simple SQL
query, you export the result in csv, import with the OpenData plugin and
you don't need to write any other program. That's all that I wanted to say.

> or you could add all changes in such a way that they are also added to the
> tool that Ben proposes.
> I would just not invent a new output format to work with locally...
> Although using sqlite as a locale storage (whatever tool) would also help a
> lot speedwise.
No, not for local use, but to share the updates with other mappers.

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