On Sun, Nov 03, 2013 at 02:04:59PM +0100, marc bessieres wrote:
> >
> > * Ville/Stad* de Bruxelles is in fact a *Commune/Gemeente* made of 4
> > anciennes communes/deelgemeenten Brussels, La(e)ken, Neder-Over-Heembeek
> > and Haren.
> > What you see incomplete is the first one, but the other ones are
> > incomplete too.
> > The boundaries between them are missing. They must be added with the right
> > name and the four boundaries must be closed over them. My only problem is
> > finding the missing pieces if I do that, but I know where to look for them.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> >   André.
> >
> Thank you André for your explanations, I saw the administrative level
> difference, but I didn't know how to interpret them. Now I do :)
> If you could find the missing boundaries it'd be perfect! Or tell us where
> to look for them, may be me or someone else in the community can help there.

I would normally look this up in the atlas der buurtwegen / des
chemins vicinaux, but I can't find them for Brussels.

So I've looked at urbis (http://geoloc.irisnet.be/) which I
understand we can use, under extra it has an option to show
the municipalities.  But that would only be the one for level
8 and no information about the level 9 since they don't really
exist anymore.

I suggest you try to find the atlas der buurtwegen / des
chemins vicinaux, or the Popp card for that information.

PS: The URLs in your e-mail missed the "1" at the end, but it's in
the subject.


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