On 2014-10-23 11:04, Jakka wrote :

Had reeds vastgesteld dat ik bij gewoon mappen validatie fouten opmerkingen krijg bij uploaden.

Vraag 1:
Mag ik twee maal JOSM openen (conflicten?)
Had already found that I get errors when uploading  comments by ordinary folders validation

Question 1:.
Can I open twice JOSM (conflicts?)
No more conflicts than when several contributors run JOSM on their own systems.  However:
  • the saved preferences will be those of the last closed JOSM (preference changes made by the others will be lost)
  • only the first instance listens for remote controls
  • ? maybe more rarely experienced side effects

It's rarely needed to start a second instance because multiple layers (windows) can be opened.
But sometimes you may want not to pollute a complicated, dormant job with several layers open and prefer to open a new JOSM for a quick job.
Note that there is a "latest snapshot" JOSM package that installs as a second application using its own preference folder (~..josm) that is ideal for application tests.

Vraag 2:
Heb oefen sessie met sample.osm gebruikt, uitgevoerd. Mag ik mijn wijzigingen uploaden ?
Zou in de sample.osm dan eventueel die validatie fouten proberen te simuleren en daaruit leren begrijpen en verbeteren alvorens het in de real thing uit te voeren.
> Question 2:
Home> Do practice session used sample.osm performed. Can I upload my changes? Books> Would the sample.osm than any validation errors that try to simulate and from that understanding and improvement before to perform. The real thing
Not really understood.


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