I was thinking about this location:


The place is still available on Saturdays 21 and 28 of March.

Due to personal limitations I'd want to get started at 16h. It's open until

Of course, if people would want to start earlier, that's possible too, but
somebody else would have to get started.

There is wifi and catering. They have some sort of curtain to create a more
closed off area, if needed. I can bring a projector and they have a white

For people who want to go out and map, both Begijnhof and Botanical garden
are nearby, just like the city center and the Oude Markt. Parking is
another matter... Maybe Gasthuisberg is the cheapest and most convenient
way for people coming by car. There are many buses going into the center.

Using the train is better, of course and again, there are many buses, but
it's also possible to go on foot (and start surveying / mapillarying
already :-)

I'd like to show how to use Mapillary as a modern and convenient way of
surveying in the field and then use those pictures and GPX tracks to add
details to OSM.


2015-03-05 18:23 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Pettiaux <nico...@pettiaux.be>:

> Hello
> I am very happy to read Marc and Ben proposals here under.
> I think we should use a project management tool to floow them in the most
> efficent way : who proposes what, what is done for when, who does what ...
> Le Jeu 5 mars 2015 11:37, Marc Gemis a écrit :
> > - I'm willing to help with one mapping party/presentation every 2 months
> we can already plan the next 6 mapping parties/ what about organizing one
> in each large city of Belgium : we'll have one in Brussels on April 25.
> And we alternate a Flemisch speaking and a French speaking city.
> Let's imagine
> (end of the month of)
> - June : Antwerpen
> - September : Liege
> - November : Gent
> - January : Mons
> - March : Leuven
> - May : Namur
> - June : Oostende
> - September : (may start over with Brussels)
> > or
> > so. The one in Brussels is my next appointment.
> thanks
> > - I could try to write some texts for osm.be on stuff that I do (e.g.
> > middelheim, rose garden, heritage) similar to the presentation on
> > OpenBelgium when that is useful to show what one can do with OSM.
> great
> > - I'm willing to send an email to the province for the Atlas v/d
> > buurtwegen
> > (just give me the text :-) )
> +1
> > - I've contacted an ex-colleague who used drupal for some project
> (website
> > of a dogschool). I asked him whether he would be willing to upgrade the
> > and
> > improve the infrastructure.
> +2
> > I'm not the organising type, so I won't organise meetups, mapping
> parties,
> > etc. but as said before I'm willing to help with the technical part.
> I am the kind of person interested in organizing and meeting the press.
> Much less tehcnically oriented (even though I am really interested to
> understand and practice the tools)
> >> - Helping Nicolas with the mapping party: You can help him by
> >> advertising
> >> showing up of just email him and ask him what you can do:
> >> nico...@pettiaux.be and more information is here:
> >>
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/Activities#Invitation_.C3.A0_une_Cartopartie_.5B1.5D_.C3.A0_Bruxelles_-_Samedi_25_Avril_2015.2C_9h_.C3.A0_13h
> imho, we need to write a full program, a trilingual press document
> describing what we'll do and how, to attract BEGINNERS (and not making
> them afraid) and transmit that to the press so that they can write good
> papers.
> >> - Organize a local meetup: Not very difficult just go and sit somewhere
> >> and wait for people to show up. We have noticed that this gets people
> >> more
> >> involved and communication improves.
> +1
> >> - Organize a mapping party: A very good idea!
> >> - West-Vlaanderen community-contact-person: We need someone (preferable
> >> from WVL) that can communicate with me and local orgs like westtoer to
> >> organize a couple of mapping parties. Workload is very low except when
> >> it's
> >> about to happen (the mapping party that is).
> >>
> >> Other TODO's:
> >>
> >> - Website improvements: I think our website looks like ****. We urgently
> >> need some work on this. We also need someone to update drupal or move to
> >> another platform (less maintenance), and setup proper multilingual
> >> support.
> who can help ?
> >> - Communication, for example, weekly OSM and managing the
> >> twitter-account/facebook group a bit better... ;-) Also a FR-speaking
> >> volunteer would help a lot.
> I volunteer for the French part. But I would very much like some active
> help and support. For example by Julien Fastré and/or marc Ducobu
> >> - Emailing to your province about the 'Atlas der Buurtwegen': The rights
> >> to the maps are at provincial level. We need to contact each province
> >> individually and ask them (each and every one) to release the maps for
> >> use
> >> in OSM. This is an important issue because in the past it has been
> >> assumed
> >> free and open but these maps are NOT!
> yes these legal points need a dedicated team
> imho, we should try ton convince law students and teachers to help
> >> - Local Chapter: I want to submit a proposal to become a local chapter
> >> of
> >> OSMF. Anyone willing to help with some of the administration and reading
> >> the procedure, contacting Paul Norman, etc...
> +1 . Much thanks.
> I propose to assume, for the time being, with Ben some kind of twin headed
> lead of the OSM-be project. In my views, we would be (Ben and myself) just
> the 2 porte-paroles/woordvoeders (is this goede Nederlands ?)/leaders
> representing the most active united speaking communities of OSM-be (I
> insist, form me the is ONE OSM-be but, to face reality, I think it is
> appropriate to have one representative who is native speaker of eahc
> language)
> >> Some of these may seem strange and you could say that we should all just
> >> stick to mapping but I think these actions can improve our community and
> >> give more visibility to OSM.
> I think you are completely right. We need to better and more communicate.
> Much thanks and best regards to all.
> Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas Pettiaux - nico...@pettiaux.be
> Soutenons april.org , framasoft.org et laquadrature.net
> Let's participate in openstreetmap.be
> Participons à associalibre.be et openstreetmap.be
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