On 25-01-16 14:06, Marc Gemis wrote:
> What's the planning for the import ?
> * Glenn finishes documentation (although I think it's (almost) ready)

The highlights are ready, but I've encountered plenty of situations that
we will run into that need more detailed documentation.  I've made some
movies as well showing how I worked but I might have to do them again
since I had to change some ways after Sander's valuable input.

The tool isn't quite done yet imho. I still need to fix/improve a few
things in the code.  Also, after-care is important.  I want the script
to also be able to verify if buildings were updated.  Once the GRB
reference (oidn) is in the OSM data we can reference it to compair
(using the source date) if any updates have been done to existing buildings.

> * We pass this somehow through the import mailing list ( I fear we
> cannot avoid this). Sander, you have some experience with this. What
> do you think ?

This needs to pass indeed, but let's not call it an import from now on.
 I prefer a "semi-automated, human reviewed, merge operation" :)
It is a bit like the news calling it a "tactical bombardment" when
blowing up bombs, the first almost sounds like there aren't any
casualties at all.

> * We have a face-to-face meeting / hangout to explain the procedure to
> interested people.  Face-to-face is better I think, but might not be
> feasible for everyone. Perhaps a combination ?

I believe face-2-face is better, and I'm willing to spend time on this,
there are many questions you will have and the interactive approach will
be easier to answer/demonstrate instead of describing it.

> * We start "the import". Somehow we need an overview for this to see
> who is working on a certain town. (a shared document/spreadsheet)

I don't think you really need that in order to be able to work (it
wouldn't hurt though).  Version management will take care of people
working on different areas, in case of conflicts (I had a few where
buildings where updated after my data retrieval from OSM and before
uploading changesets) it's not fun resolving those in JOSM (even hard

So I would suggest doing it in small fractions. I tried 'finding'
building hotspots and just work square per square.  You can also to the
'bijgebouwen' first and then later the main buildings, after that
garages and so on...  So it doesn't have to be segregated into area's ,
you could just do subsets.

The only thing you need to keep track of is the work you've done
yourself.  I deleted the buildings from the source file once I moved
them to the target layer, to avoid duplicate validation work.

The area size was not always as large, it depends on the concentration
of buildings.  We should discuss this at the meeting, because I'm just a
one man show and would love some peer input and feedback.

I was thinking about using HOT osm task manager, it's code is available.
 That would be awesome to


Then there is also the matter of downloading (Aka `Ordering`) the data.
We should do this 'at once' preferably to make sure adjacent areas match
up. Not doing so might give some problem at the borders of the area.
But that should be minimal.

There are 307 'gemeentes' / general area's in the selection list.  You
can combine some, but I haven't tried to combine all for a full download.


> m.
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be> wrote:
>>> I also mean when the geometry in OSM is actually better than in
>>> the GRB. I'm thinking in particular about VIVES in Bruges. The GRB
>>>  building shape is just wrong. In OSM it's better (may be not
>>> perfect, it's a complex building) and 3D mapped.
>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/51.18741/3.20325
>> Yes of course. that's why I call it a merge. since this process
>> encompasses using AGIV sat layer, and GRB layer in JOSM itself, it's
>> not hard to see where GRB has got it wrong.
>> No need to worry about losing good OSM data, when done right..
>> Glenn
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