On 25-01-16 19:38, Marc Gemis wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be> wrote:
>>> * splitting a building because the garage is clearly separated on AGIV 
>>> imagery
>> You should not have to do that imho, I've never encountered this 'too
>> much building in between' situation.  When the garage is separated
>> visibly on sat images but not in GRB, that's a precarious case, it could
>> be that the building has been replaced but GRB isn't up to date, it
>> could also be that the sat pics used are out of date and there has been
>> an additional construction already in GRB.  You can't tell now what is
>> correct from combining al sources of information.
> It's in Kaprijke, oid 1964089 IMHO this is just sloppy work in GRB.
> For those without access to GRB

Absolutely right, it should be more like the neighbour’s house+garage.
That is some really shitty data you have in that area there.  Someone
really didn't bother being accurate.  They aren't even decent squares.

These cases I've only seen a few of those.  I specifically remember a
building crossing itself, like a closed '8' instead of an '0' or open 8
like here (bit of imagination applies)

I would remove that corner from the main building,  draw the garage
yourself, tag it appropriately. The garage should in fact have it's own
OIDN number in GRB data.

Also, make sure when you create your better OSM bulding, tag it
source:geometry=AGIV (I think to recognise agiv sats).

Then whenever this gets into GRB and trickles down in OSM, you will get
a merge pop-up here (because we use source:geometry=GRB for our building
imports by default), instead of a silent merge...  you'll get notified
there is a conflict, forcing you (=editor) to make a judgement call.

Looks like pretty recent buildings.  Sloppy fieldwork indeed.

It sure varies a lot the quality, probably by the decentralised approach
to this.

Nice catch.


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