I do nut fully agree: If a shop=cheese stops his activity and another is comming into place eg. shop=bicycle, you also have to re-tag it.

In general a farm-shop sells the same category all year round, like meat and vegetables. Or cheese and bread. Or... And as a customer you know that - depending on the season - the range of product changes.

And at this moment it is only possible if you do it this way: shop=farm;diary;meat. But this is discouraged ;-)

So I was looking for the correct way. But it seems that there is not yet one sollution. I will follow Joost's suggestion and work on a proposal.


Op 21/04/2016 om 15:12 schreef Glenn Plas:
I just had to update my example from 3 years ago because both source and
website key have changed.

website: went to pretty url's instead of id's
source: producer ID changed for unknown reason

It's already hard to keep those up to date.  If you start putting in
volatile and variable data like products they sell, you have to keep
them updated as well, which is a lot of work.

I do not see a real benefit in saving that information in OSM at this
point.  The fact that you 'want' to do it does not count.

the interwebs is made of URL's  , defined as 'Uniform Resource Locator'.

That is exactly what a product list is... it's a resource locator.  We
do it with wiki links and nobody bats an eye over it.  We should really
use links to the data instead of copies.

Can I can a 'amen' now ? ;-)


On 21-04-16 14:26, joost schouppe wrote:
Marc, while I do agree that we don't need to do everything, I haven't
seen many convincing reasons why not to do a certain thing. Often the
arguments used (too complex, who is going to update, imagine what if
everyone does this,...) can be used anything we do.
And then after a while the people wanting to do the thing have actually
done it, and we all got used to it.

Pieter, I was trying to remember who showed me that site - so it must
have been one of you guys. I would suggest looking at the proposal I
linked, looking at the reactions on the tagging list. Then make a new
proposal, learning from the feedback. It might be useful to really
explain the use of such a project. And also try to show that the idea is
not really new: we do very similar things for organic products
( http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:organic ), gas stations,
vending machines, glass containers, etc etc.

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