On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe we should also foresee procedures for cases where it's obvious
> people take the data and just 'run with it'? If needed we shouldn't
> hesitate to revert changesets. Who's going to follow up on that though?
> reverts should ideally happen as quickly as possible.

Didn't we agree we would only allow a limited number of people access to
the tool and the converted data? To prevent exactly this kind of thing from

If I remember correctly the requirement was to make your OSM username known
and follow at least a google hangout session about the procedure to follow.
So a minimum requirement would be to have had contact in person or via
hangout with one of us?

That being said, I agree we should not be afraid to revert changesets with
improperly imported data.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best regards,

Ben Abelshausen
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