On 15-12-16 05:44, Marc Gemis wrote:
> I'm really looking forward to read the procedure on how you guys came up.
> You might have been lucky that I couldn't make it , now you only have
> to ignore my annoying mails :-)

No, not at all.  The church-issue was brought up without your help :)

> I fail to see how documentation will prevent any participant from just
> dumping the data from GRB into OSM without any check what so ever. The
> same happened in The Netherlands where destroyed buildings were still
> imported and not-yet existing house numbers where dumped in the dunes.

The rule is you need to use the plugin to merge geometries, like this no
history will be deleted , hence you can roll those back.  But we aggree
you need some kind of formal training before getting unleashed on the
data.  So we will give workshops etc, possibly hangouts.

> A model import does not introduce errors that could be avoided by
> simply looking at aerial imagery

Does, or does not ?

> I've been working almost daily with the GRB data now for 6 months (*)
> or so and have a pretty good idea how much work it takes to make this
> a model import. I fail to see how 20-25 people can accomplish this is
> a year, unless they really spend a lot of hours on it.

I did Stekene and surroundings in a month (pretty large part in fact).
It goes really fast when there are no houses yet, where buildings exist
it will go a bit slower.   But it's not an import, the end result needs
to be better than OSM and GRB seperately, it will be if we do it right.

> But I am probably to critical right now and have to see what process /
> documentation you guys came up with.
> so I shut up now and wait

Think I asked for feedback on plenty of occasions, consider your job is
well done and I prefer an early critic over a late one :)


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