> >  But I wonder if we
> > could tag things so that it stays easy to recognize "agricultural land of
> > which we're not sure whether it is grazing land or plant-growing land".
> You mean in case you are looking at an aerial image and want to colour
> a part of the map ?
> Or is this also a problem in case you surveyed the area on the ground ?

> I just had to fix a few farmlands with orchard and plant_nursery, so I
> am very sensitive to incorrect mapping landuse based on aerial images.
> I rather see it not rendered at all on the map than with a wild guess

I'm mostly talking as data consumer here. I'd like to know if there are
cows, plants or cows-or-plants.

When mapping landuse from imagery, you can do it 99% OK from aerial
imagery. In the few cases where the difference is not so clear, I prefer a
tag saying "some sort of agricultural land".

The risk I see is people retagging all "farm" to "farmland". That way, you
lose two things:
- the meaning of the farmland tag as "here be plantgrowing"
- the meaning of the general farm tag as "here be undefined land"

I understand your point of view, but I think there are two sides to the
coin. You can see this as the horror of horrors (which it is):


But you can also think that nobody would have started mapping landuse
around them if there weren't already a large part done.

Second point is that what someone considers a "wild guess" now, was a "best
guess" before. For example, there are many roads (even in Antwerp) that
have awful geometry. Would it have been better to have no roads until we
had something better then GPS? But if someone improves their geometry to
centimeter precision using GRB, then all previous mapping becomes a wild
guess from that point of view.

> p.s. from the landuse=farmland wiki page "Also note that many mappers
> prefer the more specific tags landuse=meadow for meadows and pastures
> (what is labelled landuse=farmland in the picture), landuse=orchard
> for fruit orchards, and use landuse=farmland for cropland only."  I
> assume this line was not added only for Belgium :-)
> p.p.s. on the German versions of the farmland page, no one mentions
> that it can be used for meadows  (although the use the same picture)
> "landuse=farmland kennzeichnet eine Ackerfläche. Äcker werden zum
> landwirtschaftlichen Feldfruchtanbau und zum erwerbsgärtnerischen
> Blumen- und Gemüseanbau genutzt.
> Für Grünland zur Tierweide oder Heugewinnung sollte landuse=meadow
> gewählt werden."

So what would you suggest to identify "this is agricultural land, but i'm
not quite sure whether meadow or cropland"?

Joost Schouppe
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