> Teach me how I can determine the right tags from imagery. During my
> lunch break today I was working on the area south of the Pierstraat
> and north of Voetweg 32 http://osm.org/go/0EpHov3c-- and further to
> the east/north east.
> I wonder which tags others would use for the areas covered with grass.
> Are there people that are immediately convinced that those areas are
> meadows ? Or are you in doubt, perhaps just grass, or even
> recreational areas (west of the soccer field) ?

The wiki isn't very clear to me... For example, what is the difference
between landuse=meadow+meadow=perpetual and natural=grassland? Landuse
implies human influence, but the perpetual is for places where grass is
naturally dominant. What? So it's grassland that is intensely used by
humans, but you should know it would be a grassland even if people stopped
using it? That doesn't sound interesting or common to me. Most people who
use that tag should probably have used natural=grassland.

Anyway, I have a double approach to this kind of problem personally. Feel
free to criticize it :)

The first is to not care too much, and use the tag as I see it used. In
this case, meadow seems to be something quite broad according to the wiki
and in current use in Belgium something grassy that has something to do
with agriculture. The western part of your example looks like meadows to
me. The part near the soccer field looks like having some leisure function
as you say.

The second is to try and improve tagging practices. But that is a long,
painful and boring process. I always find much more fun things to do :)

> I would be nice to have an easy way to ask for the proper landuse tags
> by posting pictures.
> There was a German project where they asked mappers input about grassy
areas, right? Only based on what was already mapped, not pictures. I think
it's an interesting idea to this. I agree that the whole
landuse/leisure/landcover tagging is a mess. Maybe doing a kind of survey
with a few difficult cases might help in opening up the discussion to a
wider audience.

> A recent problem I had was to tag
> https://xian.smugmug.com/OSM/OSM-2016/2016-11-20-Vremde/i-L3kGV6K  Is
> this really a meadow ? Can have a meadow so many trees ? Or is it an
> orchard (I don't know a lot about trees), with a lot of grass ?

This is in fact a problem of another order I think. This place simply has
two uses. Those are always hard in OSM in my opinion. We just saw a
florist+bar combination today in Brussels. My garden is a forest (really)
and also, well, my garden; and then also part of a residential area. I
think the need to classify something as "one thing only" has its limits.
Sometimes you have to just admit there is no good solution if you try that.
So it either becomes a X with Y, or a Y with X, or maybe an x with a nearby
y. Reality is messy like that :)

I do think that Karel's point that "landuse changes all the time" is
relevant. I agree that a vague but correct general tag is better than a
wrong specific tag. And the crops do change all the time. But changing from
meadow to cropland is not that common in my experience, and it is in fact
regulated by the government. I also think that slightly outdated landuse
might be an excellent trigger for a user to finally decide "oh, that's
annoying, but I think I can fix that myself".

Joost Schouppe
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