+ 1 for a wiki page about landuse/landcover mapping in Belgium.

I once found this interesting page about mapping the environnement in OSM
in Ukraine:
I think the OSM tagging should be adapted to countries/ecoregions and
consensus about which tags to use could be summarized in regional/national
wiki page.

To me, it is not a problem to map temporary things. Think about some shops
in the most unstable commercial areas: their life expectancy is probably
about one year, just like agricultural landuse. But I must say that, around
my place in Ardenne/Gaume, many meadows are permanent: there exist for
decades simply because they cannot be ploughed easily (presence of many
trees, no drainage and/or superficial bedrocks) and because they would
anyway produce too low crop yield.

For many applications (environmental applications and detailed topographic
mapping), it is also worth tagging forest with leaf_type=*, leaf_cyle=* and
even taxon=* for monospecies forests. But this is also something that
changes over the years. Nowadays, many fir trees (PIcea abies) are being
replaced by either deciduous/broadleaved trees or Douglas (Pseudotsuga
menziesii). Most of Belgian forest (especially in Wallonia) could be
remapped in order to add these specific tags.

So would you agree to make a wiki page for landuse/landcover mapping in
Belgium, and to discuss the issues there?


On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 8:42 AM, joost schouppe
> <joost.schou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That is just an example. Basically I would wish we had a wiki page as
> > detailed as the one about bicycle lane tagging for landuse and related
> > stuff.
> I agree on the need of a wiki page with lot's and lot's of photos to
> get a better understanding of the different appearances of certain
> landscape forms.
> I've been trying to understand landuse tagging for the past year or so
> and I still feel very uncertain to map it myself.
> m
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