On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 10:02 AM, Michaël Dierick <mich...@dierick.io> wrote:
> Therefore, in my opinion, using the tag "amenity=college" for secondary
> schools (as in "secundair onderwijs", "école secondaire") is a bad idea,
> even though in dutch it can be called a "college".
> Would it be possible to revert the notice on the how-to-map-page that calls
> to use "amenity=college" for "middelbaar beroepsonderwijs"?

That is what I was planning to do after consulting this mailing list
and having enough people backing it up.
I'm even willing to keep the line there and add (in The Netherlands)
and another line to ask to use "school" in Belgium.
I guess I already have a "bad" name in The Netherlands to interfere
too much, so I won't change their mapping rules.

The French use school:FR to indicate collège, lycée, etc. I like that
idea, and think it might be even useful to have something like that in
other contexts as well (e.g. for pubs/restaurants/...)


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