Joost, Ben,

The question remains, is a "Middelbaar beroepsonderwijs." in Belgium a
college or a school ?
Michaël, Guy and myself believe it is school. The Dutch mapper said it
is college (for The Netherlands).
Should the wiki differentiate between Belgium and The Netherlands
(because the middelbaar beroepsonderwijs is so different), or did I
(and the others) have the wrong interpretation of the English wiki on
schools and colleges ?
I'll agree we should stick to the English definition, that's what the
Dutch tried to do as well, but with a I different outcome than we

As for the school:XX, it is in addition to the amenity=school, but
allows local people to search in their own language without knowing
the OSM definition of school & college. This could make life of apps
such a OsmAnd easier, because the mappers do the translation. Support
I want to search for all atheneums in Belgium (not Lyceums, not
colleges (e..g Sint-Jansberghmanscollege). With a school:NL=atheneum
this would be solved. Now OsmAnd has to come up with some translation

Note that there is not an English word for each concept in the world,:-) [1]

 (and other pages)


On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Ben Abelshausen
<> wrote:
> I think as non-english speakers we should not look at the meaning of the
> words in the tags in Dutch or French, just what they mean in native english
> and try to define english words that mean what we want to say. If we can't
> then it's time to make up our own tags.
> This way we maximise reuse over country/language borders and we can still
> tag our own schools as they are structured here.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best regards,
> Ben Abelshausen
> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 10:59 AM, joost schouppe <>
> wrote:
>>> > Therefore, in my opinion, using the tag "amenity=college" for secondary
>>> > schools (as in "secundair onderwijs", "école secondaire") is a bad
>>> > idea,
>>> > even though in dutch it can be called a "college".
>>> That is what I was planning to do after consulting this mailing list
>>> and having enough people backing it up.
>>> I'm even willing to keep the line there and add (in The Netherlands)
>>> and another line to ask to use "school" in Belgium.
>>> I guess I already have a "bad" name in The Netherlands to interfere
>>> too much, so I won't change their mapping rules.
>>> The French use school:FR to indicate collège, lycée, etc. I like that
>>> idea, and think it might be even useful to have something like that in
>>> other contexts as well (e.g. for pubs/restaurants/...)
>> The OSM definition of an amenity=school is what defines which objects need
>> that tag, not what happens to be your local daily use of the word "school"
>> in spoken language. OSM can never work if people use a tag as nothing but a
>> word that sounds logical. That seems so obvious to me that I'm afraid I'm
>> missing the point.
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