So for those 4 roadside parking spaces:
I have to split the road a couple of times, add some 3 or 4 parking
lane tags to indicate it is somehow on both sides, parallel parking in
marked spots? And I wouldn't be able to add the capacity in the end.

While adding 4 rectangles with tag amenity=parking_space express the same?

For me, there is definitely improvement possible in the tagging schema
for such situations.


On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 9:26 AM Lionel Giard <> wrote:
> @Marc These parking along street are indeed often not "amenity=parking" but 
> probably more related to parking:lane tag (tagged on the highway itself). 
> Technically it is suggested to only map these kind of roadside parking with 
> the parking:lane tag on the street.
> But yes, it could be mapped with amenity=parking_space (without 
> amenity=parking around it). and we could maybe use the 
> "type=site"+"site=parking" relation to group them (as it is suggested for 
> complex parking lot already) and allow people to understand that it is linked 
> to the road (including the street line in the relation) and that it is 
> roadside parking. But it is undocumented to use it that way. ^^
> Le mar. 5 nov. 2019 à 08:42, Marc Gemis <> a écrit :
>> Ik map soms ook parkeerplaatsen in een straat met enkel
>> amenity=parking_space, omdat er geen parking (in de betekenis van
>> parkeerterrein) is.
>> Ik vind niet dat elke groep van een paar parkeerplaatsen in een straat
>> parkings zijn. En het wordt gerenderd, dus kan je je afvragen of de
>> wiki niet moet aangepast worden voor zulke gevallen ?
>> m.

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