
These tagging issues always make me uncomfortable :)

Against "use_sidepath" in this case:
- it's a trunk road, so no cycling anyway (Wouter)
- the cycle path can be seen as just a path that happens to be near the R4;
it doesn't -really- have a relation with the road itself (escada on Riot)
- the confusion with the part that DOES have a cycle path shouldn't happen;
that shouldn't be a trunk road! (Wouter)

In favour of the use_sidepath:
- it clearly shows there's an alternative
- there's several roads mapped as trunk in Belgium that do have a cycle
path. Should we change all of them? And if we change our minds (or someone
else just changes things again), then the cycling info might suddenly be
useful again
- it makes it slightly easier to understand the situation when mapping

Since there is no clear opposition to use use_sidepath in this case, I
think I'll change it to that.


Op do 9 apr. 2020 om 20:35 schreef Pieter Vander Vennet <

> Hey everyone,
> We are doing a lot of cycle route planning. 'use_sidepath' is a very clear
> hint to us and interpreted as 'don't use', in order to force the cyclist
> over the cyclepath just next to it. So please, do add them!
> Mvg, Pieter
> On 09.04.20 12:27, Jo wrote:
> Since both the highway and the cycleway are separate (mostly parallel)
> 'entities' in OSM, I think it does make sense to use bicycle=use_sidepath.
> For routing purposes, it's probably not needed, while editing in JOSM and
> for highlighting using MapCSS it is handy to have the tags directly on the
> objects they apply to.
> Jo
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 12:00 PM Wouter Hamelinck <
> wouter.hameli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> All three are correct in my opinion. Tbh, I've never really understood
>> the use of use_sidepath. The only case where it contains really helpful
>> information for me is when that alternative is not mapped. But then there
>> is a more efficient solution...
>> But I don't really have anything for or against any of the options.
>> The third option is correct, but is a little uninformative, especially
>>> since you actually ARE allowed to cycle on some parts of this same R4
>> Isn't the first question here if they should be trunk if you are allowed
>> to cycle?
>> wouter
>> --
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