For information, this is the reply I got from my lecturer at the end of last

Hi Gregory

I check with a few people and try to find the correct contact. There
are a few members that are into the GIS while another sector is still
'hugging' their databases. I'll report early next week.



If I get my foot in the door (e-mail communications flowing, or even better
a meeting/presentation opportunity) then I feel confident I can convert them
(although I understand it is a challenge). While waiting to make contact,
I'm working on a little website that will be cool for OSM worldwide, but
testing it on the campus and might make a good example of the benefit of
PlantOps data for the university. I'll of course announce it as soon as I
have something to show.

Would I need to talk to UBC Legal if I get some one high up in Plant Ops to
agree, e.g. the manager. I don't think there should be technicalities
involved or a license, I'm aiming for a "Here is this one time file sent to
Gregory, which we grant permission for it to be imported into OSM and the
data used in the way OSM says.". Rather than them uploading the data to
their website, updating it frequently, available for non-OSM use of some
You have got me thinking that maybe UBC need to agree, not just the PlantOps
division. Which could make it all the more confusing, I'm not sure who I
talk to. At least PlantOps is a start, and if I get them on board they
 could ask the relevant person. We will see what happens once communication
gets past the Geography (teaching) Department.

Just thought:
In the UK we have a Freedom of Information Act for public institutions,
which I believe you have something similar. I've never heard it applied to
map data because the councils get it on license from the evil perfect OS,
but I think we can use it to get a list of road names and classifications.
Could we make a FoIA request to the university for the map data, because
it's not a commercial asset (I don't think they sell campus maps)? Is this a
crazy idea, and does that stop us doing it?
Does anyone here knowledge/experience of the Canadian FoIA system?

This website makes it very easy to make requests in the UK and you can find
replies that people have made (using the website, not direct requests).

On 29 March 2010 12:24, Corey Burger <> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Gregory <>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 29 March 2010 10:37, Corey Burger <> wrote:
> >>
> >> However, who holds copyright on the data? They need to sign off on
> >> importing it into OSM if it isn't licensed under fairly liberal terms.
> >> If you don't know then it is likely all rights reserved. Plant Ops may
> >> not have the ability to do this. Likely you are going to need to clear
> >> it through Legal, which can add time and headaches.
> >
> > I am aware of this, I know some places may say "sure, do what you like"
> but
> > I will make sure they first tell me "yes our own staff created the data
> from
> > scratch with no tracing of anything". I have a good feeling they drew it
> all
> > out themselves over the years, PlantOps here is a pretty big and I often
> > think this campus is a small city itself.
> >
> > I'll document the details (such as what tags I give what data items) and
> > blog the process (including communication outcome).
> If PlantOps created it all by themselves then the copyright is likely
> UBC's, as most employment contracts require copyright assignment
> during work hours. Which still leaves you in the position of needing
> to talk to UBC Legal. In my experience, the bigger the agency, the
> harder and longer you have to work to get them to understand open
> source/free content.
> Corey

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