On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Corey Burger <corey.bur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Bicycle racks would certainly be a welcome addition. I look at the
> number around UVic and shudder.
> However, who holds copyright on the data? They need to sign off on
> importing it into OSM if it isn't licensed under fairly liberal terms.
> If you don't know then it is likely all rights reserved. Plant Ops may
> not have the ability to do this. Likely you are going to need to clear
> it through Legal, which can add time and headaches.

So this brings up a question for me...

If Gregory were to wander around the campus, and mark the bike racks
on his GPS, and upload that to OSM, it would be completely kosher.

What if Gregory were to plan his outing to collect information by
referencing the copyright information in the campus map. Would that
make his information a derivative work? I would think not.

What if Gregory were to reference the location of the bike racks on
the campus map, and then use the Yahoo Map images to locate the bike
racks, and mark them on OSM. Would that now be a derivative work? This
I don't know...

Just wondering where the line is...


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