On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Tyler Gunn <ty...@egunn.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> First of all, WOW, great job.  I could never get my address interpolation
> ways to look that nice doing them manually!!
> I have a few questions about the Address Interpolation ways in the Halifax
> sample:
> 1. I didn't notice any addr:housenumber tags on the start or end nodes of
> any of the interpolation ways.  Is the import of this data just not
> complete yet?
> 2. Based on the start/end house numbers, you should set addr:interpolation
> to even or odd.
> Sorry if I totally missed an explanation of this in a previous message.

The addr: stuff I saw in Peterborough-that-looked-like-Halifax, had
proper addr:housenumber on the end nodes.  Very nice.

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