
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Bégin, Daniel
<daniel.be...@rncan-nrcan.gc.ca> wrote:
> Bonjour Richard - et les autres cartographes d'Openstreetmap
> First, sample files have been modified ...
> - Peterborough-that-looked-like-Halifax has been replaced !-)
> - addr:interpolation tag value=yes is replaced by odd or even
> - Missing names on some dual carriageways have been corrected
> - 040P16 - Orangeville city area, ON has been added
> Now, general/specific comments that should answer what you have found in 
> Peterborough-that-looked-like-Halifax sample...
> - Traveling direction is not taken into account in GeoBase/Canvec.  Oneways 
> will have to be edited to indicate proper direction over the whole country.  
> It does not affect addressing interpolation  from point A to point B.
> - Simplified junction to a single node seems to be a problem with Halifax 
> GeoBase/Canvec data. The province will be notified. We should not find 
> something like that any where else.
> - Turning circle marked fixme=feature may not exist.  The feature receives 
> pros and cons.  More comments that would help me to choose?

Having this feature, even in those cases where the road is a flat
dead-end, does help the map user identify that the map is not
incomplete & there is no missing road segment.    Sometimes we have
these in residential areas where a road could possably connect to a
major free-way.  So indicating that there is a 'end-stop' in the road
helps the map users.

It is easy todo a search for 'fixme'  when looking at an area & see
what can be worked on, as local are mappers will be able to provide
more details  ie.  fences / patches of grass / wooded_area etc.

So for turning_circle, i'd vote to keep it as it is, with the note for
internal mappers.
* I'll also add that into the wiki chart as a discussion note.  We can
include other pros/cons about this so it is documented.

> - Junction of  Bedford-Lady Hammond-Windsor Street respects the GeoBase and 
> Canvec content!
> - Overlapping features. It reflects the fact that there is no more complete 
> map update program at federal level.  The updated content is provided through 
> the GeoBase initiative.  As buildings are not a GeoBase layer, they have not 
> been updated for a while.  That is where Osm mapper could eventually make a 
> difference.

Basically, using the Toporama as a basemap while working & preference
to the local area mapper dropping the data in, can decide what todo.
Just because the data is available, does not mean it all needs to be
imported.   Alot of work has gone into Importing the geobase NRN &
GeoBase NHN & CanVec features & tracing & osm of course, 'regular'
mapping already.  So in some areas, there has been significant
on-the-ground changes.  So there will be alot of fine-tuning.   These
wonderful address:interpolation ways will need to be manually
adjusted, especially at complex intersections.

Remember that we also have WMS layers & shp files from Ontario
directly, these shp files can be converted and used to compare with
what exists.   Ontario has an incredible amount of building area's
(for example) all of which can be used in a WMS layer (if it is not
already provided by MNR, this can be provided & made externally)


> Cheers,
> Daniel

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