

Je suis un nouveau participant au projet OSM, par contre je ne suis pas un
débutant en cartographie et je saisis assez bien les termes de la discussion
en cours. Mon intérêt est le canot-camping en région éloigné et la plus-part
de mes zones d’intérêt sont au nord du 49 (au Québec), qui à ma grande
déception sont actuellement vides. Les processus à mettre en place pour
cartographier en zone urbaine ou semi urbaine sont beaucoup plus complexes
et fondamentalement différents de ceux qui peuvent être utilisé dans la zone
de la forêt boréale. En insistant pour que le processus ou les standards
soient uniques  on arrive à un cul-sac et beaucoup d’irritation. Il y a
peut-être deux stratégies à adopter. 


Personne ne peut faire de relevé terrain personnel de l’hydrographie ou de
la végétation en forêt boréale. Les données CANVEC sont la seule source
‘libre’ consistante pour cartographier les phénomènes naturels dans la zone
nordique au Canada et l’importation massive de données est la seule qui
permet de le faire dans un temps raisonnable. Pour beaucoup de territoire,
c’est la seule attention qu’ils ne recevront jamais. Pour les autres, le
redressement des données sera fait en fonction de l’intérêt de bénévoles
pour ces territoires. Je pense que les zones vides doivent être comblés le
plus rapidement possible par des gens d’expérience de façon à ce que les
nouveaux puissent commencer à travailler sur ces territoires.


En passant, j’ai un peu d’expérience dans l’utilisation de FME pour
convertir les données CANVEC pour construire des cartes électroniques et je
peux contribuer  dans cette zone.


(English translation is at best approximate. French version should be
consider official   ;-)) . 


I am new to the OSM project, but i have some background in mapping. I
understand some of the discussion going on. My interest is whitewater
travelling in backcountry and most of it are north of the 49e, an area now
empty in Quebec.  The process for mapping in urban and semi-urban area are
very complex and very different than the one that can be use in boreal
forest. Insisting that the same process and standard be apply lead to a dead
end and frustration. Different strategies should be apply.


Nobody can make personal ground survey of hydrography and other natural
object in boreal forest. Canvec data are the only free consistant data
source for that area and massive importation of natural elements  the only
way to cover such a large area. For most of this territory, it is the only
attention that it will ever have. For the small part that is effectively use
for something, than people like me, having interest, will be able to upgrade
the data to OSM full standard. I think that the nordic empty area should be
populated quickly by experience people so that newcomer can begin to work in
these area. 


By the way, I have some experience in using FME to convert CANVEC data for
building electronic map and I can do some work in this field.


Pierre Lamoureux

Quebec, Qc



De : Pierre Béland [] 
Envoyé : 13 novembre 2012 16:22
À : Frank Steggink;
Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Internal CanVec conflicts


Frank Steggink  november 13 2012 15h37

answering Paul Norman


> However, time is limited, so I eventually decided to stop. The reasons
which motivated me doing imports are no longer enough to continue. It is

>  partially due to the criticism of you and others. If my contributions are
not accepted / acceptable, there is no reason to continue, so I can better

>  I also think that OSM has caused a lot of awareness for open data, and
governments are opening up much more. For example, also in the

> Netherlands a lot of datasets have become open data, like the national
road register, buildings, and topography. Of course, with the availability

> Canvec, this is also true in Canada. So for many geospatial professionals
there is not much reason to continue OSM, except when you're interested

> in areas for which no other alternative exists (cycling routes, historic
buildings, etc.).



I came too late to OSM to see the mapping parties like the ones you were
participating in Sherbrooke. I think that we should come back to that


For OSM to be a success in Canada, we need stronger local communities,
pursue imports and improve over it. Lets compare us to France. Discussions
on the Osm-France list show a well organize community, a lot of projects,
servers, monitoring tools, blog, mapping parties even in schools, support of
local communities, contacts with municipalities and other organizations.
They show a very good dynamism. In comparison,  I have to say that in Canada
we not only have a blank map, we also have a blank participation. I would
also like to see criticisms about imports accompanied with more suggestions
to improve.  Otherwise, it is just killing the OSM project.





De : Frank Steggink <>
À : 
Envoyé le : Mardi 13 novembre 2012 15h37
Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] Internal CanVec conflicts

Hi Paul,

It probably won't come to you as a surprise if I would say it is acceptable,
but to a certain degree. A map with no data is not a map. A map with
inconsistent data is still a map, but obviously something is not right. A
map with perfectly consistent data doesn't need to tell the truth either.
Remember the fantasy city someone added about a month ago? Furthermore, a
map can become outdated. This is also true for OSM.

Anyways, the reason I've been importing Canvec data is to provide more
coverage, so others can work with it. OSM is a community project, and I
think everyone has a share in it. This is one of the main reasons I started
with OSM, because I believe in the ideals and goals. To you it might sound
that importers like me are leaving a "big mess" behind for others to deal
with. To me, it was a choice. The alternative would be either no data, or
very sparse and incomplete data. It would take ages to "complete" the map,
since there are not nearly as much mappers in Canada as there are in
Germany. A map which is only half complete doesn't have half the value of a
complete map, but way less. That's also the reason I imported forests in
suburban areas. It can still be cleaned up later. Leaving the forest out of
it leaves an ugly gap, and fixing it during the import is so time consuming
the import would go on endlessly (which it does already...).

Also, many or most people who are mapping with OSM do not have a mapping or
geospatial background. Let me be clear, I think it is wonderful that they
join OSM and step upon the learning curve to become a contributor. On the
other hand, in many cases the quality of their contributions are not that
great. I also don't like the fact that something is abandoned half-way (like
the Canvec import). So the choice I made was to provide them and the rest of
the community with some kind of baseline. With the Canvec data imported, it
makes it easier for people to add POI's and other stuff. And while
importing, I also fixed other errors which existed in the maps. Of course
not all of them, but what would be reasonably possible from my armchair.
Furthermore, the imports I've done about half a year ago were aimed at
filling gaps between existing imports. It is a pretty daunting task, so it
is no surprise many have stopped, and I just wanted to get the job done.

However, time is limited, so I eventually decided to stop. The reasons which
motivated me doing imports are no longer enough to continue. It is partially
due to the criticism of you and others. If my contributions are not accepted
/ acceptable, there is no reason to continue, so I can better stop. I also
think that OSM has caused a lot of awareness for open data, and governments
are opening up much more. For example, also in the Netherlands a lot of
datasets have become open data, like the national road register, buildings,
and topography. Of course, with the availability of Canvec, this is also
true in Canada. So for many geospatial professionals there is not much
reason to continue OSM, except when you're interested in areas for which no
other alternative exists (cycling routes, historic buildings, etc.).


On 10-11-2012 12:37, Paul Norman wrote:
> CanVec data comes from multiple sources and this can lead to internal
> inconsistencies. A common case is a new development where there used to be
> trees. The tree data in CanVec might be older and show an area as forested
> while there is newer road data indicating that the area has been
> An example of this type is
&lon=-73.905&zoom=17 although I have
> seen many other cases of it.
> Another common case is the trees in water problem frequently found in BC.
> typical example is
&lon=-123.911&zoom=17 where there is
> a conflict between the water data and the forest data. You need to view
> data as it doesn't show up on the rendering.
> Is it the communities view that it is okay to import CanVec without
> reconciling the internal differences between the layers?
> My view is that importing data without resolving conflicts of this type
> where it conflicts with either existing data or internally is not an
> acceptable import and indicates the importer did not sufficiently review
> what they were uploading.
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