When I initially started adding to/editing OSM maps it was roads and
trails from my GPS data.  However in BC there are large areas where
there is nothing on the map - so after finding this:
I managed to d/l some tile sets from CanVec, added some roads, lakes,
streams etc using Potlatch 2.  I kept notes on what tiles from each set
I had imported and make the edits as time allowed.

It's probably slower than using JOSM, but I found it easier to use.

One of the hardest parts (for me) is to figure out what set to d/l from

So my question is:  Using Potlatch 2, what is the best/easiest way to
figure out what set to d/l?  Using the original question of the Larder
Lake area in Ontario how would I get this info?
Or if someone was to give me a GPS coordinate how could i find the tile
set for that area?


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