On 14-11-17 03:53 PM, Ga Delap wrote:
> - CanVec a introduit des erreurs de modélisation en imposant dans OSM le
> concept de "tuile" plutôt qu'en respectant celui de l'objet.

Amen to that.

Is there any way to de-tile the data? I realise that most of Canada is
one giant water relation, but is there a data processing pipeline that
can recognize and join up split entities?

I'd also be up for running a simplification routine on every way
imported (or reimported). While ways can have a maximum number of nodes,
they all don't need to have that number, and the original CanVec points
aren't sacrosanct.

Unless these issues can be carefully addressed, I'm firmly in the “Il ne
faut pas” camp.


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