I believe these are the result of importing Canvec landuse data for some
areas and not for others. Because the data is in square chunks, you end up
with these unnatural looking squares on the map. Really it's just a case of
the other areas don't have detail yet.

Across the border it looks like the US just has parks and national forests,
etc. mapped, and not the general natural=forest that you see across Canada.

Alan (alarobric)

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Antoine Beaupré <anar...@orangeseeds.org>

> hi everyone (allo tout le monde!!)
> one of the most frustrating experiences I have with Openstreetmap in
> Canada is this ugly forest display:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=8/45.227/-73.916
> Just compare how the forests and parks are mapped between the US and
> Canada. On our side of the border, you got huge chunks of square forests
> that definitely do not reflect the current reality, whereas down south
> you clearly see national parks, forests and no weird square things.
> I don't really understand how this happened, but it's been there a long
> time. I feel it's some Canvec import that went wrong, but it's been
> there for so long that it seems people just forgot about it or moved on.
> I looked around in the .qc and .ca wiki pages and couldn't find anything
> about it, so I figured I would bring that up here (again?).
> Are there any plans to fix this? How would one go around fixing this
> anyways?
> In particular, I'm curious to hear if people would know how to import
> *all* the park limits in Québec. It seems those are better mapped in
> Ontario, and I can't imagine those wore drawn by hand..
> Thanks for any feedback (and please CC me, I'm not on the list).
> A.
> --
> We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more
> humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
>                         - John Perry Barlow, 1996
>                         A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace
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