Hi Stewart,

Thanks for your comment. I'm relatively new to OSM, so I don't have all the history, so I appreciate you and others jumping in.

I saw the discussion page when I started working on this.  However, it is from 2012, so I'm not clear if this represents current state or not. People are still clearly adding contact:phone etc tags....

I can see contact:twitter/facebook/etc is way more popular than twitter/facebook alone.   So if we use the non contact:* type, then these don't align with the majority. Or would you suggest phone/fax/website don't use contact: where as twitter/facebook do use that prefix?

I personally don't have a strong opinion on which way to go, other than try to be consistent.

I tried the iD editor... and it seems to have support for contact:*, but use "phone/fax/email/website" in the quick pick list.

On 2018-02-06 01:10 PM, Stewart C. Russell wrote:
On 2018-02-05 04:44 PM, Matthew Darwin wrote:
I don't know why people use phone=* vs contact:phone=*....
Because it's the default in most editors, and it's shorter. I'd prefer
it over contact:phone, because that's a needless namespace. Also, this:


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