Phone number tidy-up is now complete, per the original discussion.  I think we still could clean up this list further.... I welcome any discussion in that regard.  Any phone numbers using letters instead of numbers remain with letters.

The top 10 formats used in Canada are:

  20640 phone"+#-###-###-####
   4457 phone"+# ###-###-####
   3749 phone"+# ### ### ####
   2630 phone"+# ### ###-####
   1293 fax"+#-###-###-####
    940 contact:phone"+#-###-###-####
    158 contact:fax"+#-###-###-####
    118 phone:tollfree"+#-###-###-####
    110 phone"###-####
     40 phone"+#-###-###-####;+#-###-###-####

On 2018-02-07 06:46 PM, Matthew Darwin wrote:

A further update on this work:

  * I found more yet bizarre phone-related tags "phone:1",
    "telephone" and the like.  These have all been tidied.  My
    osmfilter now looks like this:    --keep="contact:*=* or
    phone*=* or Phone*=* or alt_phone=* or fax*=* or tty*=*"
    Additional suggestions for something to search on are welcome so
    I get all phone numbers.
  * I found there were some formats used very regionally eg. 
    Edmonton Schools used one format consistently and Ottawa Schools
    used a different format consistently.
  * The canada.poly filter I have been using includes Saint Pierre
    and Miquelon (which does not use North American dialing plan),
    as well as a few US entries (especially relations which go near
    the border). If anyone knows of a canada.poly that is tighter,
    can you point me in the direction?  I am generally leaving
    non-Canadian entries alone, but they do count in the stats below.
  * There are now 67 unique tag/phone number format combinations
    (down from 400+ originally) when using   egrep -i
    'k="[a-z:]*(phone|fax|tty)[a-z:]*" ' $OSMFILENAME | cut -d\"
    -f2,4 | sed -e 's/[0-9]/#/g' | sed -e 's/[A-Z]/A/g' | sed -e
    's/([a-zA-Z -]*)/(...)/g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | wc -l
  * The bulk of the work remaining now is to reformat the big groups
    of numbers that do not begin with "+1". I will make changes by
    area code to limit the number of canada-wide changesets.

As always, comments welcome.

Here is the new "top 20"as of ~10am ET today:

  12555 phone"+#-###-###-####
   4453 phone"+# ###-###-####
   4060 phone"###-###-####
   3749 phone"+# ### ### ####
   2624 phone"+# ### ###-####
   2239 phone"(###) ###-####
   1292 fax"+#-###-###-####
   1032 phone"##########
    941 contact:phone"+#-###-###-####
    323 phone"+###########
    322 phone"+# ### #######
    158 contact:fax"+#-###-###-####
    117 phone:tollfree"+#-###-###-####
    109 phone"###-####
     39 phone"+#-###-###-####;+#-###-###-####
     25 phone"+#-###-###-AAAA
     23 phone"+#-###-###-####x###
     17 phone"+# (###) ###-####
     14 phone"+#-###-###-####x####
      9 phone"+#-###-###-####x#

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