Original(1.4GB file size):
9.263 Average points per feature

Simplified (20cm) (1.2GB file size):
8.425 Average points per feature

Simplified (40cm) (1.1GB file size):

For better statistics on how it affects file size for ontario (which is the
biggest dataset by the way)
The previous link I provided was for the 20cm simplification, I can provide
a link to the 40cm simplification file if needed.
I don't think simplifying about 50cm would be safe/smart as that would be
getting into satellite imagery quality vs what the cities use (plane
overhead gathering high-res imagery)

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 12:44 AM Nate Wessel <bike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm changing the subject line to try and retain some clarity for the
> mailing list.
> James, thanks for the stats! I'm surprised this didn't remove more points.
> Steve, I mentioned earlier that 20cm is where I happened to draw the line
> for the data we imported in Hamilton County, Ohio and I'm not totally sure
> even that was ideal. A bit more than half of the buildings we've been
> importing there have one (damned) extra node which I've been trying to
> remove manually. I may have been a bit too conservative there, as I didn't
> want to lose any part of the geometry. Sometimes there are tiny bay windows
> and the like.
> I'm wondering if the scope of this data warrants some analysis of how
> simplification (and perhaps data quality generally) varies geographically.
> It seems quite likely that every municipality would have it's own quirks,
> and we might want to treat some places differently.
> Best,
> Nate Wessel
> Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning
> NateWessel.com <http://natewessel.com>
> On 1/19/19 7:24 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2019, at 3:47 PM, James <james2...@gmail.com> 
> <james2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Resending because these emails are getting over 40KB in size and talk list is 
> spazzing out:
> Original:
> 9.263 Average points per feature
> Points:20346517
> Features:2196329
> Simplified (20cm): 8.425 Average points per feature
> Points:18504036
> Features:2196329
> Choosing 20cm or higher or lower is where the "improvement?" line gets drawn.
> In round numbers of nodes, call this a "10% reduction."  The question is, are 
> the results "improvement?"  If so, it seems worth doing.  (Only one person's 
> opinion, of course).
> Steve
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