Am 29.08.2010 11:54, schrieb Carsten Schwede:

> Else sagt bei so ziemlich jeder normalen Abfahrt, daß ich doch bitte
> "Links halten" soll. 

welche Karte verwendest Du denn und benutzt diese die folgende Option?

        Where possible, ensure that turns off to side roads change
        heading sufficiently so that the GPS believes that a turn is
        required rather than a fork. This also avoids spurious
        instructions to "keep right/left" when the road doesn't
        actually fork.

        Optional BITMASK (default value 3) allows you to specify which
        adjustments are to be made (where necessary):

        1 = increase angle between side road and outgoing main road
        2 = increase angle between side road and incoming main road


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